

  • 11
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 广东省 广州市 番禺区 番禺区榄核镇上坭村禺山工业园8号
  • 姓名: Lily Chu
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    Longwell brands 70mm high mist capablity Paint mist arrestor/overspary collector

  • 所属行业:生活服务 搬家 起重吊装
  • 发布日期:2014-08-27
  • 阅读量:133
  • 价格:20.00 美元/Roll 起
  • 产品规格:1.0*20m
  • 产品数量:10.00 Roll
  • 包装说明:plastic bag
  • 发货地址:广东广州番禺区  
  • 关键词:exhausted,filter,,paint,arrestor,,paint,stop

    Longwell brands 70mm high mist capablity Paint mist arrestor/overspary collector详细内容

    They are known as spray paint booth filters and paint booth exhaust filters.  While eliminating those particles from the air stream, these blanket media create a very uniform and downward air distribution throughout the spray cabin chamber, preventing air turbulences that could carry particles to the painted car body.
    Overspray paint particle retention medium for use in, paint plants, spray walls, and automotive down draft paint spray booth floors.
    Avoids release of paint overspray into the environment and protects equipment from paint overspray contamination.
    Sharp elastic mono filament glass fiber strands built into a matrix with progressive density, having an open structure on the inlet air face and a firm laminate backing on the air exit side, assures in-depth paint particle loading and arrestance.
    Special Features
    High compressive strength of the glass fiber matting ensures stability and rigidity in the air stream, even when highly loaded with paint.
    Will not sag under normal operating conditions which would cause unfiltered air bypass.
    欢迎来到广州市朗葳空气净化设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市番禺区番禺区榄核镇上坭村禺山工业园8号,联系人是Lily Chu。 主要经营汽车烤漆房/家具喷漆房初中高效过滤棉、过滤器、过滤网、**篷过滤棉、进风口棉、漆雾毡/阻漆网(地棉)、耐高温过滤棉、袋式过滤器、高效过滤器、过滤纸、活性碳过滤材料等产品。。 单位注册资金未知。 “因为专注,所以专业”,我公司将一如既往的倾尽公司全体员工的心血为您生产优质的产品。欢迎新老客户来电垂询。